Saturday, February 24, 2007

Profane Monsters

Sometimes at work I am still caught off guard by the profane and vulgar talk that comes out of the mouth of people, I know it shouldn't because they are lost and unregenerate; but I still wonder what pleasure they seek to find in speaking such things and what a terrible condition their soul must be in that their own words constantly condemn themselves. It amazes me that today we have so called preachers within the Emergent Church that actually swear from the pulpit in order that they may be relative to the culture just stupefies me. Oh what a reproach this must bring to the name of Christ. I found this little gem by Thomas Boston on the subject of Profanity and oh how preachers and men in general should heed his words.

Which of your senses does swearing and cursing gratify? If it gratifies your ears, it can only be by the noise it makes against the heavens. Though you had a mind to give up yourselves to all manner of profanity and sensuality, there is so little pleasure that can be strained out of these sins of swearing, that we must needs conclude, your love to them, in this case, is a love to them for themselves, a devilish unhired love, without any prospect of profit or pleasure from them otherwise. If any shall say, these are monsters of men—be it so; yet, alas! the world is full of such monsters; they are to be found almost everywhere. Allow me to say, they must be admitted as the mouth of the whole unregenerate world against heaven, Romans 3:14, "Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness." Ver. 19, "Now we know, that whatever things the law says, it says to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God." Thomas Boston (1676-1732)

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