Thursday, April 26, 2007

She's Worth It!

Over the past two weeks my wife has been a bit stressed out do to the end of the school year getting closer, and our youngest son is graduating and with his prom this past weekend it goes without saying that the whole household has been on edge. But this morning I got a nice surprise letter from my wife that just makes it all worth wild!

Dear Husband

Thank you for loving me when I'm unlovable, thank you for working so hard at work, thank you for giving me more than I ever dreamed I'd have and then listening to me complain about it. I'm sorry for stressing us out. I know when I'm over the edge I put more stress on you. Thank you for encouraging me to walk closer with God. Thank you for loving the Lord and making Him the priority in your life. I'm sorry for distracting you with stupid stuff that takes our focus off God. Your a great father and husband and I'm thankful that you are my husband.

I'll miss you today and I hope you have a quiet stress-less day. All my love your Wife
Now I need some time to deflate my ego so I can get my shirts back over my head. I am thankful that my Wife sees me as the man I want to be instead of the man that I am. I Love My Wife.

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