Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Compellingly Attractive!

I seen this post at The Shepherd's Scrapbook and I wanted to thank Tony for sharing it, I personally don't have any books by John Piper but this quote really blessed me, and I just wanted to share it here as well.

“You cannot merely decide to love classical music or country western music, much less God. The music must become compelling. If you don’t love it, something must change inside of you. That change makes it possible for the mind to experience the music with a compelling sense of its attractiveness. So it is with God. You do not merely decide to love him. Something changes inside you, and as a result he becomes compellingly attractive. His glory—his beauty—compels your admiration and delight.”

By John Piper, What Jesus Demands from the World (Crossway: 2006)

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