Missing In Action!
With the presence of the Church Growth Movement in our midst I have noticed a lack of familiar items missing from our Churches, first and foremost are Bibles, with the addition of the big screen so dominate and convenient in mega churches we don't need Bibles in the pews any more, just let the AV guys post it up on the jumbo screen, because there is no need to offend the seeker who doesn't know where the Gospel of John is. Hymnals are also MIA these days and now it's a rare blessing to actually go into a church and pick up an Ole' Hymnal and turn to page 269 and sing "Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine". Thank God for First Baptist Church of Oak Grove, Ky which just happens to be my home church where I was first convicted of sin, repented, and was baptised in 1989. Well it seems that God has blessed them with some new hymnals and my Mother in-law was so kind and able to acquire one of the older versions so that I may have my very own Baptist Hymnal, it was printed in 1956 by Convention Press of Nashville, Tn. It is the fourteenth printing of the hymnal and I will treasure it until my death. In the Preface it states "This singing of hymns is a Christian privilege given to every redeemed soul. The Scriptures admonish all believers to sing "psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your hearts to the Lord." Each worshiper, as he sings "with the spirit, and ... with the understanding," actively participates in the services. He feels the unifying influence of music. His heart is attuned to God and his purposes for human life through hymns of praise, adoration, prayer, consecration, and testimony."
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