Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Biblical Deceiver

With all the recent attention Joel Osteen has received from the media of late, which is nothing more than a publicity stunt to help promote his new book. Let us be sure not to loose site of the fact that according to scripture Joel Osteen teaches a different gospel, he even admits it in his 60 minutes interview when asked quote:

Pitts: "Hear what some others have said about you: he’s diluting and dumbing down the Christian message,".

Osteen: "Sometimes you have to keep it simple and not make it so complicated that people don’t understand,".
You see he doesn't deny dumbing it down he justifies it. By who's authority is he commanded to "keep it simple"? Is that anywhere in the Bible? Please take the time to download the four mp3's below of Dr. John MacArthur's radio program Grace To You where he preached a message titled "Beware of False Prophets" and see how close Joel Osteen's message lines up with the credentials of a Biblical deceiver.

Beware of False Prophets, Part 1 (1 of 2)
Beware of False Prophets, Part 1 (2 of 2)
Beware of False Prophets, Part 2 (1 of 2)
Beware of False Prophets, Part 2 (2 of 2)*

*If you only download one be sure it's this one.

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