Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Unnoticed Separation

Today I got a e-mail from a dear brother in Christ who I also happen to work with, it was a reply to a previous e-mail that I had sent him and I just wanted to share a little quote that I thought was very insightful as to what is taking place within the American church.

"I believe there is a major movement going on largely unnoticed by the rest of the so called churches in this country. It seems to me the wheat and the tares are being separated" —Greg McGuigan
You know with all the oddities that are taking place like the never ending Purpose Driven program, the Emergent Church Movement; and with the ever growing Ecumenical Movement advancing the acceptance of attacks on Biblical authority with great success, I believe Greg is right. It does seems like true Christians are being separated from the tares as they run to healthy church's.


Anonymous said...

to piggyback on the comment I(Greg) made that was published on this blog, the movement mentioned is a work of God. I am reading through Revelations for my Sunday school class and with the letters to the 7 churches representing the present state of the "evangelical movement" in mind. I like to think of it as an Awakening of the true Church, helped by some powerful preachers of God's word that are being used today.

Joe A. said...

Is your friend on the Emerging/Purpose Driven side or your own? I just don't understand how either side would try and seperate the wheat and tares since biblically we're told not to attempt this.

The Bororean said...

No, Greg is not Emerging or Purpose Driven, he is not trying to seperate the wheat and the tares, all he is saying is that it seems to be happening, and I added due to all the heresy being accepted in most church's the effect of this is driving true Christians away from the tares who are accepting the heresies. Does that make sense?

Anonymous said...

By no means was I trying to imply that this is a work of man at all. My point was that I believe that He is doing a work in His elect to show them the error of following so many of these wolves in sheeps clothing and guiding them to true discernment of His word. I am the furthest thing from a follower of any of the fad-driven church models. I agree with Bro. Paul Washer that Sunday morning is the greatest day of idolatry of the week. Many worship a God of their own imagination or ear tickling, instead of the true God as He has revealed Himself. I am a believer in the absolute sovereignty of God in salvation and everything else that is going on in His creation.

The Bororean said...

Well said Greg!!!