The Spirit’s Perseverance
"People say, “I see you believe in that old Baptist doctrine of ‘once in grace, always in grace.’” Or another says, “I understand you hold that old Presbyterian idea of ‘the final perseverance of the saints.’” I do not know why this should be called either Baptist or Presbyterian, only to the extent that Baptists and Presbyterians agree with the Book, and the Word of God clearly shows that once God takes us up in grace nothing can separate us from the love of Christ so that evidently the expression, “once in grace, always in grace,” is a perfectly correct one. But, on the other hand, I am not so enthusiastic about the other expression, “the perseverance of the saints.” I believe in it; I believe that all saints--all really belonging to God--will persevere to the end, for the Book tells me, “He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved” (Matthew 24:13), and if a man starts out and makes a profession but gives it all up, he will never be saved, because he was never born again to begin with, he was never truly changed by grace divine. On the other hand, the reason he endures to the end is not because of any particular perseverance of his own. What I believe in, and what the Word of God clearly teaches, is the perseverance of the Holy Spirit. When He begins a work, He never gives up until it is completed. That is our confidence." —H. A. Ironside (1876-1951)
I hope ole Ironside understood that the Presbyterian's probably had a most robust understanding of the Spirit's work in sanctifying us until the end. Also it is Jesus who began a good work in us that shall bring it to completion. Hence, the Holy Spirit is called in 1 Peter 1:11 the Spirit of Christ.
I don't think he was trying to pin point either the Baptist or the Presbyterian specifics but rather teaching that the Bible clearly teaches the Eternal Security of the true believer not because of our work but by the work of the Holy Spirit. You can read the entire article here.
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