
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Okaloosa or Bust!

Satan is Sovereign
The devil dominates everything, and he is assisted by this massive force of demons who also have to be dealt with, and you have got to do everything you can to try and overcome these spiritual powers, and they are powerful, and they are really impossible for you to deal with on any permanent basis, so it is a never ending ongoing struggle with the devil and his demons. So now you are force to deal with the devil and so you have got to learn all these little formulas on how to bind the devil in Jesus name, because if you don't bind the devil then he is really going to get control of everything in your life.
Christians who buy into this false biblical teaching are really being held captive to a spirit of fear and terror, they think that everything that has gone wrong in the entire universe was basically because of the devil. They hold to the belief that the devil is really sovereign in everything and even God is struggling like crazy to overcome him. The fact is, God is in control of everything! This is the total opposite of the worldview presented under Charismatic teachings. God is in control of everything. When you get sick, or when somebody gets cancer, or when something goes wrong in the world, or when you lose your job. This is not outside the purposes of God, in fact, 'God works all things together for good' (Romans 8:28). This teaching is absolutely earth shaking to the uneducated Charismatic. Satan is not in charge of history; God is in charge of everything and at all times, God is the one who is Sovereignty not Satan.
Excerpt modeled after a message delivered at The Master's College, by John MacArthur, titled "Laying the Foundations of Eschatology, Part 3".
Friday, June 29, 2007
Favorite Sermons
The Sovereignty of God in Salvation: by John MacArthur
Sex and the Supremacy of Christ: by John Piper
Life Verses, Guide Posts and Warning Signs: by Paul Washer
Divine Grace vs. Human Pride: by Phil Johnson
The Eternal Security of the Believer, Part 1: by Jonathan Sims
Quote of the Day
Are Mormons Christians?
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Happy Clappy Church

I just can't believe that alleged evangelical pastors today who bring in movie clips, contemporary music and bring all this in and act like this stuff is innocent. - William Willimon
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Faith, Hope, and Love
FAITH looks back to the cross of Jesus and sees Him there as our sin-bearer.
LOVE looks up to the throne of God and testifies, "He loved me, and gave Himself for me!"
HOPE looks beyond the cross - beyond the sufferings - to the glory, and sees the Lamb, seated at the right hand of God the Father. One day we will be with Him and in that glorious day we shall be like Him!
Faith rest upon the foundation of the finished work of Jesus. Just before He died He said, "It is finished." We love him because He first loved us, and laid His life down for us on the cross. We look for the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Excerpt taken from "The Gospel of Grace" by Oliver B. Greene, p. 45. The Gospel Hour, Inc., Copyright, 1965.
Outstanding Resource
Monday, June 25, 2007
Arminian Prayer
"Lord, I thank thee I am not like those poor presumptuous Calvinists. Lord, I was born with a glorious free-will; I was born with power by which I can turn to thee of myself; I have improved my grace. If everybody had done the same with their grace that I have, they might all have been saved. Lord, I know thou dost not make us willing if we are not willing ourselves. Thou givest grace to everybody; some do not improve it, but I do. There are many that will go to hell as much bought with the blood of Christ as I was; they had as much of the Holy Ghost given to them; they had as good a chance, and were as much blessed as I am. It was not thy grace that made us to differ; I know it did a great deal, still I turned the point; I made use of what was given me, and others did not—that is the difference between me and them."That is a prayer for the devil, for nobody else would offer such a prayer as that. Ah! when they are preaching and talking very slowly, there may be wrong doctrine; but when they come to pray, the true thing slips out; they cannot help it.
Excerpt taken from a sermon delivered on Sabbath Morning, December 2, 1855, by the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon at New Park Street Chapel, Southwark titled "Free Will - A Slave".
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Evening Hymn
Come and see, look on this mystery
The Lord of the Universe, nailed to a tree
Christ our God, spilling His Holy blood
Bowing in anguish, His sacred head
Sing to Jesus, Lord of our shame
Lord of our sinful hearts.
He is our great Redeemer.
Sing to Jesus, Honor His name.
Sing of His faithfulness, pouring His life out unto death
Come you weary and He will give you rest
Come you who mourn, lay on His breast
Christ who died, risen in Paradise
Giver of mercy, Giver of Life
Sing to Jesus His is the throne
Now and forever,
He is the King of Heaven.
Sing to Jesus, we are His own.
Now and forever sing for the love our God has shown.
Sing to Jesus, Lord of our shame
Lord of our sinful hearts.
He is our great Redeemer.
Sing to Jesus, Honor His name.
Sing to Jesus His is the throne
Now and forever,
He is the King of Heaven.
Sing to Jesus, we are His own.
Now and forever sing for the love our God has shown.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Devil Called Preachers
Hell will be hotter for these preachers than for ordinary sinners who sat in the pews and listened to their social gospel. Oh yes, there will be preachers in Hell (II Cor. 11:13–15). Just as surely as God has God-called preachers, the Devil has Devil-called preachers.
There is no need to blame Hollywood and the liquor crowd for the mess in which we find the world today. The blame lies at the doorsteps of sissy, compromising, back-scratching, ear-tickling, "denomination-pecked" preachers who know the truth yet refuse to preach it for fear that they might hurt someone’s feelings.
Excerpt taken from a sermon preached by Oliver B. Greene (1915-1976) titled "Unpopular Preachers"
Ecstatic Baptist? Part 5
In October, trustees voted 36-1 against any promotion of "private prayer language" at the school. McKissic, was the lone dissenter. I guess it's 36-0 now. I would suggest that the Rev. refocus on the Word of God.
Worse Than Pelagianism
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Poisoning The Well
We corrupt the Word of God most dangerously, when we throw any doubt on the absolute inspiration of any part of Holy Scripture. This is not merely corrupting the cup, but the whole fountain. This is not merely corrupting the bucket of living water, which we profess to present to our people, but poisoning the whole well. Once wrong on this point, the whole substance of our religion is in danger. It is a flaw in the foundation. It is a worm at the root of our theology. Once we allow this worm to gnaw the root, then we will not be surprised if the branches, the leaves, and the fruit, decay little by little. The whole subject of inspiration, I am well aware, is surrounded with difficulty. All I would say is, that, in my humble judgment, notwithstanding some difficulties which we may not be able now to solve, the only safe and tenable ground to maintain is this--that every chapter, and every verse, and every word in the Bible has been "given by the inspiration of God." We should never desert a great principle in theology any more than in science, because of apparent difficulties which we are not able at present to remove. —J. C. Ryle (1816-1900)
Excerpt taken from a sermon that was preached in England, in August, 1858. titled "Not Corrupting the Word" by J.C. Ryle
Friday, June 15, 2007
Quote of the Day
"I don't believe God is worried about global warming gentlemen". - John Pipes (1966-?)
The Root of Bitterness
"In all this opposition to the absolute will of God, we see the self-will of the last days manifesting itself. Man wanted to be a god at the first, and he continues the struggle to the last. He is resolved that his will shall take the precedence of God's. In the last Antichrist, this self-will shall be summed up and exhibited. He is the king that is to do 'according to his will'. And in the freewill controversy of the day, we see the same spirit displayed. It is Antichrist that is speaking to us, and exhorting us to proud independence. Self-will is the essence of anti-christian religion. Self-will is the root of bitterness, that is springing up in the churches in these days. And it is not from above, it is from beneath. It is earthly, sensual, devilish." - Horatius Bonar (1808-1889)
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Typical Arminian
"What the Arminian wants to do is to arouse man's activity: what we want to do is to kill it once for all---to show him that he is lost and ruined, and that his activities are not now at all equal to the work of conversion; that he must look upward. They seek to make the man stand up: we seek to bring him down, and make him feel that there he lies in the hand of God, and that his business is to submit himself to God, and cry aloud, 'Lord, save, or we perish.' We hold that man is never so near grace as when he begins to feel he can do nothing at all. When he says, 'I can pray, I can believe, I can do this, and I can do the other,' marks of self-sufficiency and arrogance are on his brow."
"Arminianism is thus guilty of confusing doctrines and of acting as an obstruction to a clear and lucid grasp of the Scripture; because it mis-states or ignores the eternal purpose of God, it dislocates the meaning of the whole plan of redemption. Indeed confusion is inevitable apart from this foundational truth [of election]." - C. H. Spurgeon
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
The Blessed Hope
"Nothing but the blessed hope of Christ's glorious appearing, and of our being partakers of the glory when He appears, can draw us away from and lift us upward from among the temptations, and cares, and enjoyments of the present scene." - W. H. Hewitson (1812-1850)
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Neither am I!
But as I read of Southern Baptist men of the past.... as I read my Bible.... as I exegete Scripture I have made a wonderful discovery on my own.... to the core of my bone marrow I really am a Baptist! Not because of heritage or lineage but because of the Bible!
Fifteen years plus of exposition of Scripture has led me to the conclusion that the Baptist faith is New Testament Christianity! Fifteen years of exposition has affirmed my being a Baptist Fifteen years of diligent study of the Word of God has caused me to see why I am a Baptist. - Jonathan W. Sims, Pastor Shelbyville Mills Baptist Church
Charles Spurgeon once said, "I am not ashamed to take to myself the name Baptist." Neither am I!
Excerpt taken from "Membership Information Class Study Guide of Shelbyville Mills Baptist Church", Shelbyville, Tennessee
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Quote of the Day
Friday, June 08, 2007
Watch Out!
"Watch out for smooth talkers who pastor large churches, write many books, lead wide ministries, and do not manifestly prize above their earthly good the whole counsel of God." - John Piper
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Going, Going, Gone?
25 Purpose Driven Warning Signs
1. Change in the music to a more contemporary rock style, and/or a new worship minister with rock star like credentials.
2. Removal of hymn books; installation of a Jumbo screen, and the eliminating of the choir in favor of a praise team of just five or six people.
3. Replacement of the organ and piano with heavy metal instruments.
4. Repetitive singing of praise lyrics.
6. Eliminating of business meetings, church committees, council of elders, board of deacons, etc.
7. The pastor, or a new leader with a few assistants, usually four, takes charge of all church business.
8. The pastors sermons start stressing psychological relationships with each other in order to build a bridge to the community, or the world.
9. Funded budgeted programs are abandoned, or ignored, with ambiguous financial reports made.
10. Sunday morning, evening, and/or Wednesday prayer meetings are changed to other times; some may even be eliminated altogether.
11. Sunday School teachers are moved to different classes, or replaced by new teachers more sympathetic with the changes being implemented.
12. The name “Sunday school” is dropped and classes are given new names like "Small Groups" or "The Porch", or "The Living Room", or some other subtle name that removes any notion of a place of learning.
13. Crosses and other traditional Christian symbols may be moved from both the inside and outside of the church building. The pulpit may also be removed.
14. New versions of the Bible are used; or only verses flashed on a screen are referenced during regular services.
15. Movie clips, and drama skits precede the message or are used during regular services.
16. The decor is drastically changed with multi-color paint and/or lots of plasma TVs.
17. The word “church” is often taken from the name of the church, and the church may be called a “campus.” Denominational names may also be removed.
18. An emphasis on more fun and party sessions for the youth.
19. Elimination of altar calls or salvation invitations at the close of the services.
20. The elimination of such words as unsaved, lost, sin, Hell, Heaven, and other gospel verities from the pastor’s messages.
21. The reclassification of the saved and lost to the “churched” and “unchurched”, or "members" and "nonmembers".
22. The marginalizing, and/or ostracizing, of all who are not avid promoters of the new way of doing church.
23. Closed meetings between the pastor or chosen staff members without any reports made to the general membership.
24. Open hostility to members who do not openly embrace the new program, or who may have left for another church even from the pulpit.
25. A big emphasis is placed on dressing down.
List is from a brochure (some additions are included) titled "Is Your Church Purpose-Driven?" available in (.pdf file) over at www.vcyamerica.org
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Pop Christianity
"Theological liberalism attacks the church head on, it's very easy to see it, it's very easy to deal with it. But the pop church gives lip service to the truth while quietly undermining it. Popular Christianity has a tendency to make the basis of faith something other than the Word of God. The basis of faith now is experience. The basis of faith is emotion. The basis of faith is solving problems, it's the need theology again. The Charismatic Movement has led the way with a new basis of faith and that is private revelation, private words from God, private insights, private prophecies, private visions and so forth. Secular psychology has been somewhat quasi sanctified and offers self‑help therapy that also reflects this drift away from the Word of God as the basis of the living of the Christian life. Christian ministry has become riddled from top to bottom with pragmatism, with manipulation, with professionalism, with consumerism, all of those things indicate a less than biblical foundation to our faith.Excerpt taken from a sermon by John MacArthur titled "The Christian's Duty in a Hostile World, Pt. 1". You can read the entire transcript here or download the audio file here.
And along that line the focus of pop Christianity and the pop church has not only moved away from the biblical basis of faith but it has moved away from the person of Jesus Christ. That needs to be stressed. Something or someone else is on center stage, not Christ. It is the celebrity, it is the evangelist, it is the project, it the fund‑raising campaign, it is the new building, it is the miracles supposedly, it is the so‑ called healings, it is anything and everything but Jesus Christ. And we have a pop Christianity that is not Christ centered and not biblically based. It has a new basis of faith, it is a new object of affection. They are in love with the celebrity, they are in love with the system, they are in love with the building, the facility, the program, or whatever. There is sort of fantasy faith, not affixed on Christ, but a sort of nebulous faith that wants to attach itself to miracles, healings, health, wealth, prosperity, comfort, personal gain. And, of course, in that kind of environment, easy believism, a cheap gospel flourishes...flourishes. And we have to ask ourselves: where is that strong faith? Where is that Christ‑centered faith that stands and holds its ground in the midst of hard trials? Rather than that fragile emotionalism called faith that is little more than selfish escapism. Christ is not the message any longer. Though He is named from time to time, the focus is on man, man is the message and how man can solve his problems and live a more comfortable life is the issue. The pop Christian focus of the church is least of all interested in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ because that would be to end their enjoyable trip on this particular pop train."
Monday, June 04, 2007
The Old Paths

"What do you crave? A crown? Then it must be a crown of thorns if you are to be like him. Do you want to be lifted up? So you shall, but it will be upon a cross." -C.H. Spurgeon
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Truth is Truth
John MacArthur tells it like it is.
Only the Cross
But in the last resort there is only one alternative before us. Either we glory in ourselves and in our own achievements, or we glory in Christ and in His achievement on the cross. There is no possibility of compromise. A hallmark of authentic evangelical Christianity is that we glory only in the cross.
Excerpt taken from "Evangelical Truth" Revised Edition by John Stott copyright 1999
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Signs of Liberalism
Excerpt taken from an article titled "Liberalism in the Southern Baptists" over at Essential Christianity Ministries.1. Liberals speak a lot about unity but never define unity around biblical truth. Unity to the liberal mind is void and absent of the Bible. It in essence means they want "freedom from" authority. This is the unified theme of the liberals, it is not unity around biblical truth.
2. Liberals hate authority in various forms. They often gossip about leaders, spread stories about pastors, and refuse to talk to those whom they have problems with face to face with an open Bible in the hand to determine truth. They spread their ideas elusively.
3. Liberals do not teach on essential doctrines, they fail to teach verse by verse through sections of the Bible, and they believe in many interpretations to passages of the Bible.
4. Liberals talk about a love that means we should not judge others, and this means they will not exercise nor accept the Bible teaching on church discipline or accountability. They are deceptive with their language, and they redefine love without any accountability, and they do so because they do not want anyone to hold them to any standard of truth. In essence they want to be their own god!