Thursday, June 07, 2007

Going, Going, Gone?

Is Your Church Going Purpose Driven? How Can You Tell? In the past ten years a large percentage of churches in America, and in other countries, have changed from a traditional New Testament church model to a contemporary Purpose Driven model, many with sorrowful results. Contrary to Purpose Driven Church propaganda, millions have been leaving their churches after the change occurred. It is important that every church member know if their church is targeted for a Purpose Driven Church takeover or already overrun by it.

25 Purpose Driven Warning Signs
1. Change in the music to a more contemporary rock style, and/or a new worship minister with rock star like credentials.

2. Removal of hymn books; installation of a Jumbo screen, and the eliminating of the choir in favor of a praise team of just five or six people.

3. Replacement of the organ and piano with heavy metal instruments.

4. Repetitive singing of praise lyrics.

6. Eliminating of business meetings, church committees, council of elders, board of deacons, etc.

7. The pastor, or a new leader with a few assistants, usually four, takes charge of all church business.

8. The pastors sermons start stressing psychological relationships with each other in order to build a bridge to the community, or the world.

9. Funded budgeted programs are abandoned, or ignored, with ambiguous financial reports made.

10. Sunday morning, evening, and/or Wednesday prayer meetings are changed to other times; some may even be eliminated altogether.

11. Sunday School teachers are moved to different classes, or replaced by new teachers more sympathetic with the changes being implemented.

12. The name “Sunday school” is dropped and classes are given new names like "Small Groups" or "The Porch", or "The Living Room", or some other subtle name that removes any notion of a place of learning.

13. Crosses and other traditional Christian symbols may be moved from both the inside and outside of the church building. The pulpit may also be removed.

14. New versions of the Bible are used; or only verses flashed on a screen are referenced during regular services.

15. Movie clips, and drama skits precede the message or are used during regular services.

16. The decor is drastically changed with multi-color paint and/or lots of plasma TVs.

17. The word “church” is often taken from the name of the church, and the church may be called a “campus.” Denominational names may also be removed.

18. An emphasis on more fun and party sessions for the youth.

19. Elimination of altar calls or salvation invitations at the close of the services.

20. The elimination of such words as unsaved, lost, sin, Hell, Heaven, and other gospel verities from the pastor’s messages.

21. The reclassification of the saved and lost to the “churched” and “unchurched”, or "members" and "nonmembers".

22. The marginalizing, and/or ostracizing, of all who are not avid promoters of the new way of doing church.

23. Closed meetings between the pastor or chosen staff members without any reports made to the general membership.

24. Open hostility to members who do not openly embrace the new program, or who may have left for another church even from the pulpit.

25. A big emphasis is placed on dressing down.

List is from a brochure (some additions are included) titled "Is Your Church Purpose-Driven?" available in (.pdf file) over at

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