Thursday, September 07, 2006

Another Gospel

A true Christian is not one who says he's a Christian, a true Christian is somebody who has come from error to truth. Satan doesn't care what people believe. He doesn't care how sincerely they believe it as long as what they believe is wrong. Did you get that? It's important. He doesn't care what they believe, he sponsors all kinds of religions. He sponsors every religion on the face of the earth that isn't true. He's behind them all. He's got enough diversity for everybody. He's provided an absolutely irresistible smorgasbord. There's somewhere for everybody to plug in. He doesn't care what they believe. And frankly, he is really into sincerity. He doesn't care what you believe or how sincerely you believe it as long as what you believe is wrong because wrong damns, right saves. That's why Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life and nobody comes to the Father but by Me." "There isn't salvation in any other." And anybody who doesn't hold to the truth is damned, Galatians 1:6 Paul talks about a different gospel. Somebody's coming along and preaching a different gospel, there isn't a different gospel. The gospel means good news, there's only one good news, all the rest is bad. They may say it's good but it's bad. But what is amazing is you have Christianity or evangelicalism sort of sucking in these people who don't commit to the truth, they don't understand the truth, and they don't know the truth. Many of them get put in positions of leadership where they are provided platforms to teach elements of their error that are then rebranded with the term Christianity when in fact it's another Gospel!

Excerpts taken from an audio sermon delivered by John MacArthur at Grace Community Church titled "Deliverance: From Error to Truth--Part 1" you can view the entire transcript here or order the audio GC 80-222 here.

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