Monday, September 04, 2006

The Frat House?

I am sometimes still caught off guard and always suppicous of anything new at Church. With that said a new church member approached me Sunday morning with a CD and a pamphlet on what just appears on the surface as just another Bible study program, it's called Men's Fraternity, I brought the CD home and to my surprise the CD is a self-help message on how to Improve My Sex Life with some graphic details that I found embarrassing. I also noticed little or no Bible reference at all to go along with the speakers message. This latest Church Fad just seems to be the follow up to Promise Keepers and The Purpose Driven Life? I looked around the internet and these are some quotes I found on Pro-Men's Fraternity websites. "Men's Fraternity is about you." "Men's Fraternity is not a Bible study, but it is biblically sound and rooted. It is a safe place to bring a neighbor, co-worker or friend." As if a Bible Study isn't a safe place to bring a friend? The official site says this "The 20-session study puts the roof on the house of masculinity and creates a vision for a man's future and destiny. This study will help men rediscover the adventure in life through a greater understanding of who they are. Men will uncover the uniqueness they have as a man and discover a satisfying life focus." Wow that's some great promise! "Men's Fraternity" seems to be a psycho-philosophy "theology" which attempts to help but in the end is actually centered on self as the above statement from a Pro Frat site declares. One can hardly imagine Paul teaching this kind of stuff to Timothy for him to then teach other elders. My advice is to have nothing to do with this frat party!

Righteous God, I long to walk in the paths of Your Love. Make my heart fearless so that I may press on in the face of trials that are clearly in the path. May I hold true to Your Word and Your promises in the heat of battles so that my life may glorify you, in Jesus name, Amen.

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